さて来月のスカラ座「ノートルダム」(2/19 - 21)まで、あと一カ月!!!
★Massimo Murru in Rearray with Sylvie!!★
相変わらずオフィシャルサイトのスケジュールには、6000 miles away with Nicolas Le Richeと、親の仇みたいに羅列してある。
過去にも同じようにぜーんぶニコラと、となっていたが自力で調べたらやっぱりマッシモと組む時もあり、昨年の6000 miles awayはパリ、NY、ヴェニス、リヨンなどはそうだった。
▷Equilibrio. Festival della nuova danzaというフェスティバルの一環としてサドラーズウェルズ・ロンドンより、シルヴィ・ギエム姉様とそのpartenaire préféré、マッシモ・ムッルによる「リアレイ」他。
Auditrium Parco della Musica, Roma
Feb. 3
William Forsythe coreografia
David Morrow musica
Sylvie Guillem e Massimo Murru
Mats Ek coreografia
musica di
Ludwig van Beethoven registrazione eseguita da Ivo Pogorelich
Sylvie Guillem
Jirí Kylián coreografia
Dirk P Haubrich musica
Nataša Novotná e Václav Kuneš
Buy tickets:
Prezzo intero escluso dir. Prev. (min - max): 25.00 € - 35.00 €
25~35ユーロって・・・・つくづく思うけど、安くていいなぁ。(@ ̄ρ ̄@)
今回の27'52"はいつものAurélie CaylaとLukas Timulakて人たちじゃないのね。ロシア人っぽい。
★6000 Miles Away tour around the world★
続くシルヴィのスケジュールを見ると、2013も「6000 Miles Away」を引っさげ、ものすごい勢いで世界中を旅する計画のよう。
そしてStellaの愛するマッシモが、スカラ座の「ノートルダム」(2/19, 21)終わって息つく間もなく姉さん支えに飛んで行くわけです。
Dancing around the world, Sylvie notches up the miles
メルボルンで6000 miles awayが幕を開ける頃には、サドラーズウェルズでの世界初演から約2.5年が経つことになる。47歳のシルヴィ・ギエムのスタミナとタフなツアースケジュールは、同年代で世界を飛び回っていたアンナ・パブロワのそれに匹敵する。(パブロワがロンドンの自宅で過ごすわずかの時間以外を船と列車で旅したのに対し、少なくともギエムは飛行機で飛ぶことができるが。)
今年(2012)ギエムは3人のダンサーと共にリヨン、NY、北京へと6000 miles awayツアーを行い、来年初頭のオーストラリア上陸を皮切りにローマ、Snape UK Dance East、Aldeburgh Music festivalへ。5月にいったんサドラーズウェルズに帰ったあとは、ロシアのペルミとモスクワ、7月にフランスで二ヶ所、10月にシンガポールとメルボルンで公演が行われる。その後は日本での公演(シルヴィ・ギエム・プロジェクトのこと)が控えている。ニューヨークとロンドンのレビューから判断するに、このツアーの目玉はフォーサイスのデュエット「リアレイ」である。(中略)
6000 miles awayの他の2作品は「リアレイ」ほど高い評価を得ず、またキリアン作品はギエムによる出演ではない。
サドラーウェルズで5/20~25に6000 miles awayやるみたいだけど、今のところ誰と踊るのかは不明です。↓
By the time 6000 Miles Away opens in Melbourne, almost two and a half years will has passed since its world premiere at Sadlers Wells Theatre in London. (Sadlers Wells was the co-producer).
Aged 47, Guillem’s stamina and arduous touring schedule is at least on a par with that of Anna Pavlova who kept up the pace of her journeys around the world in the 1920s when she was the same age. (At least Guillem can fly in and fly out, unlike Pavlova who settled briefly at home in Ivy House in London between long sea voyages and cross country train journeys).
This year, with three other dancers, Guillem took 6000 Miles Away to Lyon, New York, and Beijing and early next year, before it arrives in Australia, the production will be performed in Rome and at the Snape UK Dance East and Aldeburgh Music festival.
In May, it returns to Sadlers Wells before travelling to Perm and Moscow followed by two venues in France in July, then Singapore and Melbourne in October before a possible tour to Japan.
Judging from the reviews of New York and London seasons, it appears that the gem of the show is a duet by Forsythe titled Rearray.
In The Financial Times, Clement Crisp wrote how in Rearray, the “movement develops, changes character or direction in mid-phrase, goads academism into innovation, hints at emotion – and Guillem and Le Riche are its superlative exponents. Here is a developed classicism of fascinating implications and extreme difficulty, flawlessly done by superb artists perfectly attuned to Forsythe’s demands”.
Guillem originally danced Rearray with Paris Opera Ballet etoile, Nicolas Le Riche, but more recently her partner has been La Scala principal, Massimo Murru.
The other two works in 6000 Miles Away – Mats Ek’s Bye and Jiri Kylian’s 27’52” did not receive the same high praise as Rearray. The Kylian piece was not choreographed for 6000 Miles Away and is not danced by Guillem. You can see videos of a section of this work (dating back to 2010) on YouTube.
6000 Miles Away, like many other dance productions produced in conjunction with Sadlers Wells, went onto the international circuit backed by European arts festivals and various other venues. Australian festival directors or major arts venues add the works to their seasons months or years later. This was the pattern followed for Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui’s Sutra and Babel, for example, or Akram Khan’s Gnosis.
Next up on the circuit will be two works with annoyingly fussy titles – Sidi Larbi’s Puz/zle, premiering at Sadlers Wells in April 2013 and Khan’s iTMOi (in the mind of igor) in which Khan aims to discover how Stravinsky “transformed the classical world of music by evoking emotions through patterns, rather than through expression”.
With a world premiere in Grenoble on 14 May it will have its London premiere at Sadlers Wells two weeks later.
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