


先週Peter Schaufuss監督によるMidnight ExpressがLondon Coliseumで開幕(4/9)する直前(先週木曜)に失踪した事件で世間を賑わしたポルーニン。彼と同時に降板になった(姿を消した)イーゴリ・ゼレンスキーと2人でSchaufuss監督と仲違いをしたからというだけでなく、精神的に鬱のような状態だったという噂も流れている。



ウクライナ出身、現23歳の天才的ダンサー。2012年1月に急に英国ロイヤルを退団。翌月に日本で同バレエ団のプリンシパルらが参加する「アリーナ・コジョカル ドリームプロジェクト」にはコジョカルらの奔走でかろうじて出演出来た。

現在、イーゴリ・ゼレンスキー率いるモスクワのStanislavsky Music Thater (スタニスラフスキー・ミュージック・シアター)およびNovosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater (ノボシビルスク州歌劇舞踏劇場)のプリンシパル。

Sergei Polunin spoke of depression and cutting himself before walk-out

Sergei Polunin, ballet’s prodigal son, spoke of his bouts of depression and cutting himself before he walked out of his latest British production - Midnight Express.

Sergei Polunin rehearsing in Moscow in January
Sergei Polunin rehearsing in Moscow in January Photo: Davide Monteleone/VII Photo
The Ukrainian dancer caused a stir last week by disappearing just days before the opening night of the Peter Schaufuss ballet Midnight Express.
He was said to have fallen out with the director, while friends hinted at depression playing a part in his decision.
In an interview given before his walk-out, he spoke of an inner turmoil, speaking openly about the cuts he has inflicted on his own body to get “adrenaline rushes”.
He told today’s Sunday Times Magazine: “You get to feel good. You do it when you’re kind of down, sort of depressed.
“You just go to sleep normal. You don’t do it when you’re happy. It’s the best therapy for myself, I find.”

The 23-year-old previously walked out on the Royal Ballet in January last year after the pressure became too great, and later admitted he had spent his nights clubbing and even performed while on cocaine.
In his most recent interview, he recalled feeling as if “I got a fire going into my head. And one more thing and that will be it, you know. I will just walk out.”
But he took drugs to satisfy his curiosity, to think about things and “just to learn something”, rather than to party, he insisted. At the time of the interview, he said he had “pretty much” stopped doing it, however.
Earlier in his life he had managed to suppress the pain he felt at the break-up of his parents’ marriage by dint of what he describes as determination.
“I said I would never feel sorry for myself or feel sad about anything again,” he said. “And from thereon…I killed that feeling.”
Hundreds of Midnight Express ticket-holders were left disappointed when he disappeared on Thursday, with fans fearing they will not get their money back from the English National Opera despite his departure.
The production, based on a 1978 Turkish prison drama, is scheduled to open at the London Coliseum on Tuesday, with tickets costing up to £120.

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